Since the Care Car would not exist without donations, we are very grateful to the organizations and individuals that donate or sponsor. Your Sponsorship or Donations provide mobility to our non-driving seniors, without which, most would have to rely on expensive transportation for their doctor’s appointments, shopping trips and other needs.

We have two types of sponsors.

  • Contributors:
  • Memorial Donations:
  • The Care Car is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization so your donation is TAX deductible.

    Marti Spaeth, Judy Smith, Trini Filippo, Mike Youngmark, Warren Meyer, Thelma Battles, Annie Costa, Joann Welty, Lorraine Childers, Eva Johnson, Helen Brown, Dolores June Dahler, Eldee & Irma Wirth, Roy Gallagher, George Nakai & Ernst Teharny, Jean Cowan.


    You can make Memorial Donations at:

    Community Care Car Inc., P.O. Box 204, Woodland, CA 95776

    Memorial Donations for 2019 - 2020

    Clara Reid
    Steve Etters
    Lucille Webb
    Jim Etters
    Larry Germeshausen
    Patricia Nickell
    Yuvonna Cadinha
    Donald Mink
    Wilma Bluette
    Carole Spurlock
    Tom Worley
    Ruth Ann Miller
    Lois Lawson John Mello
    Lily Swayd
    Ardith Callaway
    Eric Polkinghome
    Warner Dietrich
    Mark Zane
    Loretta Clark
    Maureen Goldston
    Elizabeth Watts
    Fred Broesch
    Jim Scott